Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
You may think wasps are just funny insects buzzing around in the summer and keeping you from eating your picnic in peace, but when they build nests near where you live or work, they can be dangerous. If you’re worried about running into a wasp nest somewhere, or if you have one in your house, it’s important to know how to remove it safely without getting stung. This article will tell you everything you need to know about safely removing a wasp nest.
You can stop an infestation of wasps before it begins by locating and removing their nests. Wasps build their homes out of wood fibers, so look for messy piles in your attic or crawl space. (If you have pets, avoid poking around where they might be sleeping—you don’t want to provoke any wasp attacks.) When you find a nest, carefully remove it with rubber gloves on (wearing protective clothing is important because stings can be serious if multiple wasps are present) and dispose of it in an outdoor trash container. Don’t burn down your house trying to kill them—locate and get rid of the nests instead. Once you’ve removed all existing nests, there will be no way for them to return.
It’s important to note that just because you’re not using chemicals doesn’t mean that there are no risks involved. In fact, pesticides may be less toxic than wasp spray but it can still be dangerous if sprayed directly at your face. Spray non-chemical repellents at least 20 feet away from you and avoid spraying them directly into exposed skin or eyes. Better yet, hire an exterminator. If it is possible for you to afford professional help, then do so; they will have the equipment and products needed to effectively remove nests without incurring serious health risks. destruction de nid guepes 77
If you have any openings around your home that may be providing entry points for wasps, seal them off now. Even tiny gaps of less than an inch can allow for access; if you aren’t sure where these are located or how to get rid of them, contact a professional pest control service provider immediately. You’ll be much safer in doing so and will avoid future problems!
The first step when removing a wasp nest is to pre-treat it with an insecticide. This will kill or subdue any wasps that come into contact with it, making your job easier. In addition, you’ll be creating a barrier for any other wasps that try to take up residence in future years. However, make sure you only treat areas where there aren’t too many wasps; otherwise, you risk poisoning yourself! As mentioned before, most pre-treatment products are not suitable for indoor use and were nests in attics or wall cavities should be left alone by inexperienced homeowners.
When considering how to safely remove a wasp nest, timing is everything. Wait until early morning or late evening, when most wasps are either at home in their nests or off hunting for food. Because insecticides take time to take effect, it’s important not be in too much of a hurry—and definitely don’t try and rush things during high activity hours (think lunchtime). While you wait for your pest control product to work its magic, place an empty bucket over any remaining wasps that might still be buzzing around as they finish their last few tasks before returning home. You can also cover wasp nests with newspaper before using your spray, which will help prevent them from flying away and potentially returning later on.
If you see wasps swarming around your yard, it’s likely that they’ve built a nest on one of your outdoor structures, such as an eaves trough or under an overhang. In order to keep them from disturbing you, it is essential that you vacuum up any and all waste from these nests. This can be done with either a broom or with an electric leaf blower, which will do all of the work for you in just seconds. The danger involved in actually getting into one of these nasties far outweighs any risks associated with vacuuming up their waste. As long as you don’t inhale anything into your lungs, there should be no harm involved in sucking up their leavings.
It may seem obvious, but wasps (and other pests) can only get into your home through holes. They won’t be able to enter if you seal up any cracks or openings in your house. This might seem like common sense, but it’s one of those things that many people never think about—especially since pest control issues don’t happen all that often for most people. That’s why sealing up those entrances is so important. When in doubt, caulk and/or duct tape!
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