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How time works on earth ?

How time works on earth ?

There is no one answer to this question – time is relative, after all! But let’s take a look at some of the ways time works on Earth.

First and foremost, time is a measurement of how long it takes for something to happen. We use seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years to measure different lengths of time.

On Earth, we rely on the sun to tell us when it’s day and night. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and we use that as our cue to start our days and go to bed at night. Sunrise and sunset usually happen around 6am and 6pm respectively.

We also use the moon to measure time. The moon orbits around Earth every 29.5 days, so we use that as our cue to mark different phases of the month.

In addition to natural markers like the sun and moon, humans have created their own measures of time. For example, we have hours, days, weeks, months, and years based on the number of revolutions our planet makes around the sun. A day is defined as the amount of time it takes for one rotation of Earth on its axis – about 24 hours long. A week is seven days long, a month is 30 days long, and a year is 365 days long (or 366 days long if you’re counting leap years).

humans have also created units of time based on human activities. For example, we have seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks months based on how often we eat or sleep.

So how do we keep track of all these different units of time? There are a few ways: clocks, calendars, and timers. Clocks use gears or electronic mechanisms to move hands around a dial in order to show the time. Calendars are grids with dates listed down one side and corresponding events listed across the top. Timers can be digital or analog and use sounds or vibrations to let you know when a set amount of time has passed.

Now that we know a little bit about how time works on Earth, let’s take a look at some interesting facts about time:

Did you know that…

  • A day isn’t exactly 24 hours long? It actually varies depending on which part of Earth you’re measuring from! This is because Earth is not a perfect sphere – it’s more like an oblong shape. The closer you are to the poles, the slower your day will be because Earth is rotating more slowly around its axis there.
  • A year isn’t exactly 365 days long? Again, it varies depending on which part of Earth you’re measuring from! This is because our planet’s orbit around the sun isn’t perfectly circular – it’s more like an ellipse. The closer you are to the sun, the shorter your year will be because you’re moving faster in orbit.
  • The word “year” comes from an Old English word that means “to yield” or “to produce”. This makes sense because a year is typically associated with the harvest season.-There are 525600 minutes in a year.
  • There are 86400 seconds in a day.
  • The longest anyone has ever lived without food or water was 18 days!
  • The Mayan calendar was surprisingly accurate! It predicted both lunar eclipses and solar eclipses centuries ago.
  • The Gregorian calendar (the one we use today) was invented by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 AD.-Most people blink about 17 times per minute!
  • The average person spends about two weeks kissing in their lifetime!-Humans have been keeping track of time for over 4000 years!

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