Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Suppose one thing bothers people who host websites that contain something against the state or any other party. The website might be taken down on security or DMCA grounds. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a copyright law that gives Dmca Free Hosting companies the authority to shut down the website if they are found to host anything that is copied or pirated. In addition, the DMCA gives individuals the power to easily report fake complaints against you that can sometimes put your website down. It happens because the hosting companies often don’t check for proof that copyright infringement occurred, and many genuine websites may go down. You may ask what the solution is here. The answer is the WebCare360™ offshore hosting that is much more sincere about DMCA complaints, and almost most of the time, they ignore the request altogether, thus making sure your website is up and running in all cases. There are other benefits of using the WebCare360™ hosting services. Some of them are as follows:
With offshore hosting, you get ignored DMCA hosting policy, 100% Uptime, increased page load times for an offshore audience, more customer-friendly approach with high bandwidth. Several more, including anonymity, privacy, and other safety features, are bundled with an offshore hosting plan.